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Town Twinning “European Citizens for Solidarity”
The Committee of Town Twinning of Santa Teresa di Riva, in cooperation with the
Municipality of S. Teresa di Riva, promoted a Town Twinning with the title
“European Citizens for Solidarity”.
The activities were held from 7 to 13 March 2022 in Sicily with the participation of
different European municipalities coming from Italy, Slovakia, Latvia Spain, Portugal
and Poland.
The thematic Focus of the project, with a strong reference to the program guidelines
and considering the annual priorities, focused on Solidarity in times of Crisis,
animating the debate among citizens on these issues, encouraging them to take part in
activities through actions that they support solidarity, guiding them, to reflection on
the values of cooperation and Volunteering.
Solidarity is one of the founding principles of the European Union, it is a shared
value, which guarantees social cohesion, responds to the challenges of an
increasingly multi-ethnic and constantly changing society, also in relation to
pandemic and war.
The activities plan has been created with the suggestion to support the different target
group and it was organized thought public workshops, round table, exchanges of best
practices, meeting at school, discussions and debates, visits of the territory to develop
an active citizenship and to foster interactions between the citizens’ involved.
Through these activities, the citizens and local entities shared their knowledge and
their awareness of the role of EU policies.
In the Town Twinning has been involved a huge number of participants, direct and
indirect participants, also citizens who had never been involved in action of this kind
of project to ensure the widest possible public participation.

Zoznam aktualít:

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Úradné hodiny
Stránkové hodiny:
Pondelok Nestránkový deň
Utorok 09:00 - 15:00
Streda Nestránkový deň
Štvrtok 09:00 - 15:00
Piatok Nestránkový deň

Pracovná doba:
Pondelok 09:00 - 15:00
Utorok 09:00 - 16:00
Streda 09:00 - 15:00
Štvrtok 09:00 - 16:00
Piatok 09:00 - 13:00

Tel. číslo: +421 905 234 936
E-mail: obeckalonda@gmail.com

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